A Chat with Lisa Messenger
Who YOU are
“Founder, CEO and Editor in Chief of Collective Hub. Partner, daughter, seeker and lover of life.”
What YOU do
“I am an entrepreneur for entrepreneurs living my life out loud every single day showing that anything is possible. And I’m running a rather large ever expanding global multimedia brand traversing print, online, education and events.”
Why YOU do it
“To lead by example and ignite human potential.”
How YOU started
“I started my first business in October 2001 as an integrated marketing agency. I over serviced and undercharged for a long time until I finally launched my absolute passion and purpose project in Collective Hub in March 2013. I started with no background in media or magazines and three staff under the age of 25 who also had no background in this area. Naivety was one of the greatest keys to our success. We entered an age-old, highly saturated industry that people said was either dead or dying. Everything was stacked against us… the rest is rapidly becoming history.”
Who YOU look up to
“Our extraordinary community of courageous go-getters. They inspire me every day.”
What YOU want to say
“Anything…. And I mean anything is possible. Just have an unwavering self-belief, a clear sense of purpose, surround yourself with a kick arse team and fail fast.”
www.collectivehub.com | @lisamessenger

Read more about our inspirational YOU campaign here