A Chat with Sarah Liu
Sarah's parents used to struggle to explain to people what their daughter did because they didn't understand it themselves. They weren't the only ones.
Sarah Liu is the ultimate slashie. Founder of The Dream Collective / Co-founder of startup Gemini3 / Branding Consultant / Author / Passionate Advocate for Women in Leadership her impressive resume doesn't seem to end.
Who YOU are
“I'm an entrepreneur/strategist/speaker / author and a passionate advocate for women in leadership. Born in Taiwan, raised in New Zealand, educated in Japan and now working in Australia, I’m a global citizen passionate about unlocking individual potential, propelling more women into leadership and building businesses that create a lasting impact on the way we work.”
Sarah is part of the global rise of generation slashie, people with not one job but several. And she's thriving. Sarah runs three businesses but says rather than being defined by one job, what defines her now is her purpose and her passion.
What YOU do
“I am the Founder and Managing Director of The Dream Collective, a global leadership platform for young women. I am also the Co-founder of Gemini3 (Australia's leading technology platform matching compatible job share partners) and LadyBoss Global (a World's first e-commerce platform featuring products created by women, for women, with a purpose). Whilst I manage a diverse portfolio of career and businesses, there is only one common thread across them all and that is to see more women in leadership and to transform the way we work.”
Why YOU do it
“The drive behind everything that we do is to see more women in leadership. Since launching a few years ago, The Dream Collective has been responsible for empowering and equipping thousands of high-calibre young professional women into leadership roles. Through this networking platform, leadership training and mentoring opportunities, our aspiration is to close the gender gap in this generation.”
As the Silver Winner of International Stevie Awards for Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year, and Australian Women’s Weekly Women of the Future nominee, Sarah’s passion to inspire and achieve excellence is truly remarkable.

How YOU started
“I began my entrepreneurial journey at the age of 24 when I founded The Dream Collective. What begun as a mere passion project, quickly became Australia’s most influential network of high-calibre young women. I did this while I cofounding Gemini3 and while leading and delivering branding strategies for some of the world’s most recognised brands including Revlon, Olay and Coca-Cola.”
Who YOU look up to
“The everyday women that participate in our program. They are actively investing in their careers and in getting ahead. They do this despite the fear they face while also supporting each other. They give me the biggest motivation to do what I do.”
What YOU want to say
“The motto that I live by is ‘Impossible is only an opinion, never a fact’. I’ve been told so many times that my dreams were too bold but this only ever inspired me to keep going.”
Sarah's e-commerce platform LadyBoss Global - the World's first e-commerce platform featuring products created by women, for women, with a purpose - is launching today. X NIHILO's bags are now available from Sarah's LadyBoss Global store online and be part of the change we all need.
Read more about our inspirational YOU campaign here