Melbourne has repeatedly been ranked in the top three most liveable cities in the world. Melbourne is often described as Australia’s “cultural capital” as well as its “sporting capital”. Not only this but we have also been blessed with some of the most amazing natural landscapes, flora and fauna.
To be honest It’s easy to see why, as Melbourne’s art, sporting and cultural scene have an unreplicable atmosphere. Melbourne is home to countless cultural institutions’ including galleries and museums, festivals, street art, film and of course fashion to name a few. And let’s not even get started on Melbourne’s sporting culture with AFL, Cricket, the Australian Open, Formula One, and horse racing with the famed Melbourne Cup.
It should be noted that these make up just a small percentage of the entire fabric of Melbourne. The city's rich history and culture make it almost impossible to put our feelings for our beautiful home into words. This reflection did get me wondering what colours I would use to represent the city.
Take a look below to see what I came up with and why.
Melbourne’s incredibly original architecture acts as a backdrop for our amazing city and its people aka Melbournians. Increasingly, the old and new architecture have mixed to create a stunning landscape that perfectly symbolises the progression of the city whilst still remembering its roots. In doing some colour theory research, I found that the colour sandstone/beige can represent harmony and balance. I felt this perfectly describes not only Melbourne’s architecture but also Melbournians ability to so full throw themselves into the workweek and then everything the city has to offer on the weekend, making us some of the most balanced, easy-going people. We know how to enjoy life and treasure every moment.

Of course, green represents growth, nature and life. This is why I thought it would be the perfect way to represent the incredible nature that surrounds us in Melbourne. Whether it be the Dandenong mountains, the Royal Botanical Gardens, or Mornington Peninsula, the access to beautiful landscapes that we have here in Melbourne is breathtaking. I believe a big part of Melbourne being considered the most liveable city is to do with the abundance of nature we have.

Finally, blue is described as the colour of the connection. The colour is always associated with water which brings life and energy to everything in its reach. The colour for me is the colour of culture in Melbourne. Our culture is what makes Melbourne, Melbourne, and connects our people.
Blue also gives me a sense of openness and freedom due to the obvious comparison to the vast ocean and I think at the end of the day that’s what Melbourne is about, it has a space and something for everyone and anyone no matter who you are and what you are into. Not to mention we also have some awesome beaches :)