December 28, 2017
KĀYA - Your new sanctuary
We recently had the privilege to be a part of a club that is more than just a place where we exercise. It's a sanctuary for our mind and body. "You feel KĀYA as soon as you enter its calm and serene facilities". KĀYA Health Club offers a range of services that are hard to find under one roof in most health clubs promoting healthy lifestyles. What attracted us to this space is the feeling of tranquillity and relaxation, which is so important for anyone with a busy schedule.
To get familiar with KĀYA, we have asked the founder - Christian Ruggeri to answer a few questions. Not only will you get to know KĀYA better – we might also let you in on a little secret or two, so sit back, relax and keep reading.

We read you have extensive experience working in the industry with a strong focus in management. To help us get to know you better as a business owner and leader, how would your team describe you?
We did a team exercise on this recently and I’m actually looking at the board of what they wrote; people person, directive, leadership trait, team player, very persistent, passionate, super inspiring, welcoming, kind, generous, hard working, great mentor and a few also mentioned that I have a ridiculous amount of energy.
With strong focus on managerial and leadership skills both professionally and academically, what is your life motto?
Balance, identifying priorities and trust. With wife, two kids and two KAYA clubs, I find my balance by empowering my team, trust and making generous decisions. Anything I know, I pass on to my team. When you have your own business, your mind is always there. I have my TDL (to-do-list) ready every night before I leave work for the very next day. When I am home I switch off from work, and let go. In saying that, I still put down ideas in emails and notes, so that I am ready to process them the very next day.
KĀYA was established in 2012. Were there any events or stories that sparked your interest in healthy living before KĀYA?
Since I was a child, I always wanted to have my own business. I have worked in a global health business in Sydney for 7 years; I wanted to bring this culture back to Melbourne where our roots are.
What advise would you give to someone on healthy life style?
“Balance”. Forget detox, fads and juice cleanses, stick to the 20/80 rule, moderate and balance. Make wise decisions.
How has your life changed since
Nothing changed completely. Koula and I, we don’t see ourselves as bosses but as part of the team. There are definitely stressful moments in regards to the business and new location opening up. There are a lot of 5:30am mornings but at the end of the day everything pays off.
What is your preferred type of class and why?
Weight and resistance training, Reformer Pilates, Spinning class for cardio and of course Yoga to catch my breath and rejuvenate.
KĀYA feels like a very spiritual health club. Has this always been the intension?
There is definitely the spiritual component but it happened organically. Likes attract likes. We strive to keep the authenticity when it comes to our classes. True Pilates and Yoga studio is not what you would find in a mainstream gym. Our instructors live and breathe their practices.
What’s next for KĀYA?
We are looking to expand, continue to search for unique teachers and instructors, team training and focus on our specialisation.
As a person who cares for others physical and mental health, what advice would you give to someone who wants to transition their life towards a more healthy and fit lifestyle, but doesn’t know where to start?
It may be uncomfortable to start and everyone starts at that point. We understand, support and have classes for all levels. You are not a number at KĀYA. I would say give it a go. We have dedicated staffs for memberships, front desk and management who are people focused and are here to help. Pick up the phone, shoot us an email and come see us.
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? What are your future plans and personal goals?
Keep improving what we do and how we can make it better. We will have an exciting partnership with Axil Coffee Roasters coming up at our Prahran location. It will be the first KĀYA espresso bar, directly as you enter the club.
KĀYA has kindly opened a free Reforming Pilates class for X NIHILO viewers on Saturday 20th Jan 2018, 12 noon at their Prahran club, Melbourne, Australia. Limit to first 25 people. Comment below on this blog to secure your space and start your 2018 New Year’s resolution for healthy mind and body.
We will get in touch with you to confirm your spot. Join us, mingle with like-minded ladies and have fun!
Reformer Pilates Class
Max class participants: 25 people
Date: Saturday 20th Jan 2018
Time: 12pm
Location: Prahran Central 325 Chapel St, Prahran VIC 3181, Melbourne, Australia
Hi, I’d like to join the reformer class as well.
January 20, 2018
Would love to try a free class!
January 18, 2018
+1 me!
Amy W
January 16, 2018
January 15, 2018
Nicole Escuyos
January 15, 2018
Yes would love to!
Olivia Escuyos
January 15, 2018
Jessie W
January 15, 2018
+1 me
Jenny L
January 15, 2018
Love reformer! Please count me in! :D
January 15, 2018
Christine Huynh
January 14, 2018
ME :)
Vivian Ly
January 14, 2018
Yes to the free class please! :)
January 14, 2018
I want to join the free class pretty please ?
January 14, 2018
Pick me! Pick me!! ?
Sarah Lay
January 12, 2018
??♀️ Me me !
January 12, 2018
Hi Kathryn, in 2018! Exact dates are to be confirmed! Exiting times! xxx
January 12, 2018
+1 me
Lyndal H
January 12, 2018
+2 me + sister
Laruen K
January 12, 2018
+1 me
Catherine N
January 12, 2018
+1 me
Jenny Hsieh
January 12, 2018
Please tell me that you are planning to open a Kaya in Sydney?
January 10, 2018