X NIHILO x One Girl - Supporting Girls Education

Once again X NIHILO is joining an unstoppable organization to combat the issues we are passionate about. Our work with UN Woman, Let Girls Learn, and Malala Fund in the past has led us to contribute educating girls from under privileged environments. X NIHILO is passionate about working with organizations who see an individual problem and find the source of it so that it can be resolved at its core.

 As a part of our campaign, with every customization service, X NIHILO will donate 10% of the profits to One Girl. This customization will be a permanent service in addition to our core range. We are lucky enough to collaborate with calligraphy artist, Joanna, from Quirky by Design based in Melbourne. These personalisation services are available on the X NIHILO website only. This customized bag is not only personal to you, but it will contribute to the personal lives of the girls that One Girl helps each and every day.


Over 130 million girls around the world are denied an education. While there are many things that will prevent a girl from being educated, millions of girls are not able to go to school, simply because they were born a girl. Being sold into marriage, having early or forced pregnancy, and living in poverty are the top three reasons why girls will not complete their education.


We were honored enough to sit down with Sarah Ireland who is a part of the One Girl army. As CEO, she has worked within the development and humanitarian sectors for over 10 years. She has worked on the frontline of some of the worst humanitarian crises in recent years in the Philippines, Iraq, Syria, and Myanmar.



Out of all the programs One Girl has created, she is currently most proud of their scholarship program. Her team recently looked at the impact of their scholarship program in Sierra Leone – not just for the girls themselves but also for everyone in their communities. ‘The results were pretty incredible – aside from an enormous increase in graduation rates, we found that One Girl Scholars are speaking up in their communities, rejecting traditional practices like child marriage, ‘paying it forward’ to support other girls, and entire communities are getting behind girls’ education. We also used some interesting arts-based research methods, such as the use of photovoice.’ You can read the report and see the photos the girls took themselves.



One Girl has a powerful team who is passionate and dedicated to their mission. But Sarah believes the most indispensable tool One Girl has is their passionate supporters. They have regular givers who are part of Graduation, superstars who put on a dress and do Do It In A Dress! ‘People who take on this challenge are not only passionate about girls' education but are amazing advocates for One Girl by making sure that everyone knows how important it is that every girl, everywhere, has the opportunity to put on a school dress too.



Sarah has worked for international aid charities for the past 10 years and has noticed that One Girl is setting themselves apart by focusing on the single issue of girl’s education. ‘We know that the world won't be able to reach the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals without gender equality, and ensuring all girls have access to an education is an enormous part of that.’  


Sarah and her team believe that education holds the power to change the world. To eliminating gender inequality, it is key to create a sustainable planet, to tackle preventable death and illnesses, and to reducing poverty. It can even fight climate change, make whole families healthier and its impact can be felt generation after generation. ‘When a girl is educated, her income increases by 10% - 25% for every year she stays in school. She'll get married later and have a smaller, healthier family when she’s ready. Her health, economic status, and future family all benefit. And all because of the power of education.’ 

Currently, there are over 130 million girls denied an education around the world. 3 in 5 girls do not attend high school in Sierra Leone. ‘A girl born in Sierra Leone is more likely to become a child bride than she is to finish high school. And without an education, a girl can stay in the cycle of poverty, and struggle to earn an income or look after herself and her family.’ Girls can drive change for their communities and themselves by harnessing the power of education. Change that will impact their lives right now, and also for their children and their children’s children. ‘This is the power of education and why it is at the core of everything we do.’ 

Lastly, if Sarah could change one thing about this world, she would ensure that everyone, no matter where they come from or what gender they are, has equal opportunities, and are able to decide their own futures. And at X NIHILO, we couldn’t agree more and hopefully one day we can reach this goal together.
Jenny Hsieh, founder of X NIHILO took 'Do it in a dress' challenge in Shanghai.
X NIHILO has always been passionate about giving back and being a part of a community.
Let’s get personal, and personalize your X NIHILO today!


Bags of love,

Jessica from the X team




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